Chapter Summary
Chapter 10: Flop Theory (121 pages)
This chapter separates the common postflop scenarios into sixteen situation classes.
It uses analysis of the seven parameters of postflop play to guide discussion of continuation betting, defending against continuation bets, stack-off ranges, leverage, bet-sizing, bluffing, and semi-bluffing.
The primary goal of Chapter 10 is to learn to analyze flop decisions within the context of developing a multi-street plan to deal with turn and river contingencies.
Module 10A: Situation Classes, Texture Classes, Major Concepts, Weighted Range Data (29 pages)
This module introduces the situation classes. It also includes a section describing major concepts such as 'making a plan', and 'the purpose of a bet', and 'bet sizing and leverage.'
Finally, it contains flopped hand strength data by flop for a variety of preflop hand ranges.
Module 10A is part of the free preview, available here.
Module 10B: Situation Group 1: HU Single-Raised Pots (SPR 9-15) (19 pages)
This module contains summaries of playing conditions in heads-up single-raised pots.
It includes sections on playing in position as the preflop raiser, in position as the preflop caller, out of position as the preflop raiser, and out of position as the preflop caller.
The material covers the spectrum of board textures and opponent types.
To view the first page of Module 10B, click here.
Module 10C: Situation Classes 1a-1d - Strategy Recommendations (27 pages)
This module covers play recommendations across the four situation classes covered in Module 10B.
It includes recommendations and examples that cover a set of board texture categories condensed from Chapter 8 - very static, static, dynamic, and very dynamic.
To view the first page of Module 10C, click here.
Module 10D Situation Group 2: MW Single-Raised Pots (SPR 6-10) (21 pages)
This module contains summaries of playing conditions in multi-way single-raised pots.
It includes sections on playing in position as the preflop raiser, in position as the preflop caller, out of position as the preflop raiser, and out of position as the preflop caller.
The material covers the spectrum of board textures and opponent types.
To view the first page of Module 10D, click here.
Module 10E: Situation Classes 2a-2d - Strategy Recommendations (25 pages)
This module covers play recommendations across the four situation classes covered in Module 10D.
It includes recommendations and examples that cover a set of board texture categories condensed from Chapter 8 - very static, static, dynamic, and very dynamic.
To view the first page of Module 10E, click here.