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Frequently Asked Questions


This website was once primarily centered on a single book, Advanced PLO Theory, and the FAQ entirely handled common questions about that book.  


The site now serves multiple additional purposes.  APT remains a cornerstone, but has a new, broader vision -  to coordinate written content, coaching, and video content across skill levels and learning styles and provide a comprehensive source for PLO and mixed games instruction.  


I am actively working on multiple projects in those core areas - new writing, new (every Friday) videos on, and a variety of coaching programs tailored to different students with different learning approaches.


I am also working on longer term projects with the same focus, developing my own understanding of how we learn to inform the development of platforms and methodologies for optimally teaching PLO, mixed games, and poker in general to any type of student.  As this work develops and becomes concrete, more info will be added to the site.


I am leaving the APT FAQ as a subsection, and am in the process of adding FAQ's for Coaching, Videos, Writing, and Other.  The latter four should have content within the month.

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